VPN Step 1
Request SailPoint Access
1. Log into sailpoint.mountsinai.org
2. Select “Request Access“
3. Select your Name by clicking the Green Check Mark
4. In the central navigation, click “Manage Access“
5. In the Search Bar, type “VPN” and hit Enter on your keyboard or click the search icon.
6. Select “VPN Tunnel”
6a. If you are a Hospital Employee, select: “Hospital VPN Tunnel”.
6b. If you are a School Employee, select: “School VPN Tunnel”.
7. In the central navigation, click “Review”.
8. Click “Submit“
9. Your Manager will receive instructions on how to approve your SailPoint request.
10. You will receive an email notification informing you that your SailPoint request has been completed. Only after your request is approved, proceed on to Step 2.