Citrix Receiver Download
- Once you are logged into the VPN, for Windows system use the Windows Citrix Receiver Link
- For MAC users use the Mac Citrix Receiver link
- Alternate Links:
- Windows
- Mac:
- Windows
Windows Citrix Receiver Installation
- Double click on the CitrixReceiver.exe and Click Start
- Accept the license agreement
- On the Enable Single Sign-on installer wizard (as in figure below), select “Enable single sign-on” checkbox to install Citrix Receiver with the SSON feature enabled. (NOTE: Above Enable Single Sign-on installer wizard is available only for fresh Installation, on a domain joined machine when installed by a local administrator.)
- Select ‘No, Thanks’ on joining the Citrix customer experience improvement program.
- After installation is completed, a pop up message is displayed: “Installation completed successfully.” Click Finish.
Mac Citrix Receiver Installation
- Double click on CitrixReceiver.dmg
- Double Click on Install Citrix Receiver
- Click Continue, on This package will run a program to determine if the software can be installed
- Click Continue
- Click Continue to accept the License Agreement
- Click Agree
- Click Install
- Enter your Mac Username and Password, and Click Install Software
- Enter your Mac Username and Password, and Click Install Software
- Uncheck Add Account and click continue
- Click Close to finish install
- Click on Move to Trash for “Do you want to move the “Citrix Receiver installer to the trash”
SSL Error 61
Clients are required to upgrade their Citrix Receiver client (4.x Minimum), in order to support pending SSL Certificate (SHA2) upgrade requirements. Users who do not meet the minimum connection requirements will receive SSL Error 61 upon launching their published applications
Cause: This error is from your browser not trusting our SSL certificate. SSL Error 61 frequently happens on older Citrix clients; they are unable to use SHA2-encrypted security certificates.
Citrix Issues:
For any Citrix issues when trying to Login into VPN, please contact the helpdesk @ 212-241-4357.